In an article written in the NY Post ( regarding the yard sale of Kimora Lee Simmons and Russell Simmons the article made mention of the book book Make Up Don’t Break Up.  The book was a barely-touched copy and was being sold amongst thousands of dollars of furniture etc.  The yard sale was being filmed for Kimoras reality show “Life in the Fab Lane”.  Russell and Kimora split in 2006 but said they were separated years before that and continued to live under the same roof. In the book  there is mention of the “Brush with Death”.  “This is a separation for a specified period of time, with permission, and done with love.  It gives the couple an opportunity to resolve fears, become stronger and discover how much they mean to each other.”  Many couples stay together and try to talk through these stages.  Talking rarely works with Distancers.  As I tell my clients, Communication is not everything- you can talk a relationship to death!  “We have to fear losing someone to raise our anxiety level to a point where we’re willing to face our fears and accept the unknown elements of our future together”.

There is no mention of infidelity of any kind adultery or financially within the couple, they got divorced in January of this year by means of  “irreconcilable differences”.  Perhaps ear tagging a few pages in the book, highlighting important notes or using the Smart Heart Dialogue could have helped this couple through this time.  Dr. Bonnie has a 98% rate of couples who stay together using her Smart Heart Skills and Dialogue.  “I can save any relationship, if I’m given a chance and the people involved are willing”  Says Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil. (

To help save couples from times like these im offering an affordable alternative to private therapy.  I have an upcoming seminar that will give couples/singles a chance to hear other issues of couples, and perhaps learn from others mistakes or learn the appropriate dialogue to help save their relationships.  To sign up for one of my seminars you can visit and click on Teleseminars.  Be a fly on the wall or proactive in the call.  Dr. Bonnie will be answering your questions/concerns live on this call.


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