Time to Remove Your Mask… Your Intimacy Mask!

That time of year again, ghosts, goblins and love! Yes that’s right, Dr. Bonnie says “it’s time to take off those masks, and take a chance at love. Don’t stop a relationship before it starts!”

For Halloween dress up, have fun and enjoy. “If you are not in a relationship go to a party with friends or family” says Dr. Bonnie. Upon meeting new people it’s important to use eye contact and smile or comment/compliment on a persons costume. Dr. Bonnie suggests “If you are in a relationship use costumesfor play and perhaps some “Shades of Gray” to add the spice and intimacy.

Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil counsels her patients how to remove their masks of intimacy and also how to get past the third date and not stop a relationship before it starts. For further information on starting and keeping your relationship new read Makeup Don’t Breakup with accompanying DVD Falling in Love and Staying in Love. Learn tips to healthy relationships and adding the sizzle to keep your love alive by participating in my course titled Marriage and Relationships: Keys to Success.)