Best of Luck to the Broncos and the Panthers

Dr. Bonnie wishes the best of luck to both the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers. She and her husband already have their Broncos Peyton Manning jerseys ready to go, and urges all couples to cuddle up, with that oxytocin, “cuddle” hormone while watching the Superbowl  together; couples who “play” together stay together, so Makeup Don’t Break Up (straight from the book of the same name).

Superbowl Eat-fest

The NFL’s Superbowl is the second largest US food consumption day which is only surpassed by thanksgiving , so that may lesson the guilt we all feel says Dr Bonnie when we pile on the chips, wings, and pizza.

She emphasizes  we can eat healthy like “guacamole without the chips, but cucumber instead and cauliflower crust on pizza. Enjoy the eating fest without the guilt, and remember cuddling during halftime has no calories !!

Time to Tackle Your Relationship During Superbowl

tmp_8342-photo998636950Instead of allowing the final football game of the season to drive a wedge in a relationship, Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil suggest couples use the superbowl to get close and cuddle with your partner to “touchdown” together using attachment skills. “Half time is the perfect time to re-connect sexually and make the game that much more interesting,” she advises.

Couples should keep in mind that sex is the best if there’s a positive all-around experience so be sure to cook or purchase favorite foods and snacks to have on hand during the game. “Many couples watch the game together,” notes Dr. Bonnie, “and this is the perfect time to add in sex during half time.” Endorphins are running high during football games, especially when favorite teams are playing – so Dr. Bonnie suggests putting those endorphins to good use. This heightened endorphin level encourages the sizzle and passion that comes with great sex.

Even for couples that won’t be watching the game together, it’s helpful to create a fun atmosphere. Often women are the ones who choose not to watch the game, and they may resent their husband’s decision to do so. Instead of letting football drive a wedge in the relationship, use it as an opportunity to create a positive experience for both people. Women not watching the game can encourage their husband to have a good time without them, with an understanding that there will be couple time later, or the wife will have some free time to spend doing something she enjoys. If a woman’s husband realizes that she’s stretching to be a football fan, he’s going to want to stretch for her in other areas.

In either case, the use the Superbowl to create a space where both people end up happy and fulfilled, instead of engaged in a power struggle.

Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil is a private practice NYC Psychotherapist. She counsels couples, singles, adults and children worldwide via telephone and/or on-site. She is the author of the Best Seller and Readers Choice Award winning book Make Up, Don’t Break Up with accompanying DVD; as well as the book Adultery: The Forgivable Sin, which was turned into the Lifetime movie Silence of Adultery. Dr. Bonnie appeared on the pilot that currently still airing on Discovery Health OWN titled “Unfaithful” and can be seen here
Dr. Bonnie Weil has launched her first Education 2 Go Course Marriage and Relationships: Keys to Success. Read more and register here:



The People vs O.J. Simpson

American crime story mini-series begins this week on FX

And this has caused quite a stir, especially from the families of the victims, as it focuses on the lawyers and OJ behind the scenes, supposedly with racial overtones between Los Angeles police and potential perpetrators.

At the same time Dr. Bennet Omalu, who discovered CTE, brain disease from concussions, specific to football players announced he would bet his medical license on the fact that OJ had CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Unfortunately people are using this statement as if this Dr. is excusing bad behavior; enabling or condoning bad behavior. Others argue he wants to enlighten people to this disease and to help players and family members look for symptoms, to prevent violence and suicides that some football players are experiencing.

It may not be a coincidence that this series comes out the week of the Super Bowl.