Welcome to Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil’s website!

Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil is a relationship and marriage counselor that specializes in couple and relationship therapy to bridge intimacy issues keeping relationships thriving. Her practice in marriage and family therapy has helped individuals and couples save their relationships and their marriages. Dr. Bonnie’s 98% success rate of couples who stay together speaks to her proven system, and groundbreaking work including that adultery is a disease that can be prevented and cured! She provides support on the phone to clients all over the world.

Click here to email Dr. Bonnie to see if a complimentary phone consultation is a match for you.

Dr. Bonnie speaks about “The Key to Healthy Connections – and Conflicts” in DatingNews.com.

When one thing bubbles up one after another, there is an answer.READ MORE

Are your “Ghosts” (Blasts from your Past) impeding your present relationship or ability to move on to start anew?

For Singles, Separated, or even Married: Maybe you need to go back to the “scene of the crime”, so to speak so you can “remember to forget”. READ MORE

Why is Intimacy so hard to achieve for singles, separated or divorced people?

Here are 5 tips I recommend to individuals and couples for Staying in Love, Not Just Falling in love!: READ MORE

Restore the magic and repair the damage after an affair

You CAN restore the magic and repair the damage after an affair says Dr. Bonnie Eaker-Weil. READ MORE

Finally! Learn about Peaceful Solutions for Stepfamilies

Subscribe to Dr. Bonnie’s Audio Course for Stepfamilies! READ MORE

The Updated version of the book Make Up Don’t Break Up is now available!

With three new exciting chapters including one on the Battles of the Sexes finally solved and groundbreaking statistics on cybersex and adultery, this version of the book is the perfect handbook for saving any relationship.  The book also has an accompanying DVD found within the back cover called How to Fall in Love and Stay in Love for Singles and Couples.

Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. stated,

“This is among the most helpful, complete, and positive manual for saving a relationship that I have seen. Dr Eaker Weil has presented her effective process with such straightforward and simple language, extensive details, and enthusiasm that all singles and couples who read the book cannot help but be inspired to “make up.”

The 2nd edition of “Make Up Don’t Break Up” is on sale now at Amazon.com

Kindle Version also available!

Financial Infidelity is a deception so subtle you don’t even realize you’re cheating.

Dr. Bonnie addresses the recent shift in power and money between men and women, and exposes the money, sex, and love triangle, helping you to uncover the hidden financial problems… Read More

Getting Back to Basics—- Romantic Tips after a Pandemic

If you are reuniting with loved one after the pandemic, ahead of time before getting together discuss how you will hug, if you will hug, who is “safe” (vaccinated or immune or not) so both are comfortable. As mentioned before married people have been reluctant to be intimate without safety precautions in place. This has effected bonding and yearning and feeling needed or needing that person. READ MORE

Why did lack of touching and hugging for couples during the pandemic cause breakups now?

Dr. Bonnie, author of Make Up Don’t Break Up, is seeing more breakups AFTER the pandemic with even couples that lived together harmoniously during the pandemic. The lack of touch, hugging, kissing can make some “not in the mood”, like “if you don’t use it you lose it “. This can be a false sense of “I’m not feeling it, I’m not in love anymore”. READ MORE

Here are Dr Bonnie’s tried and true tips that she and her husband do during these challenging times:

Here are some practical tips from Dr Bonnie, therapist and author of Financial Infidelity, to get back to the best you can be in the almost “new” normal” EVEN with this pandemic and still soothe your soul!

According to the research from the American Psychiatric Association: 68% of people worry about the long term economic effects from the pandemic. 38% experience depression or anxiety from the pandemic. Ongoing stress leads to a fight or flight response with symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pains, heart palpitations, poor sleep, irritability, weight gain and persistent obsessive ruminating thoughts.

#1. Eat healthy, but beware as in stressful times the brain‘s reward system seeks out sweet fatty foods because it APPEARS to relieve anxiety but is only an ADDICTIVE “quick fix”!
#2. Exercise to release “feel good” endorphins to negate negative thoughts, depression, and anxiety.
#3. Make friends daily with NATURE, even 20 minutes outside reduces levels of our stress hormones, especially if you add in exercise with nature, like a walk, swimming or biking. Are you stuck indoors? Sit near a sunny window or look at nature as pictures of trees or sunsets will raise endorphins as well.
#4. Be in the moment, don’t project too much ahead and do grateful exercises twice a day when first awake and before bed.
#5. Think of a fantasy to keep you hopeful and grounded, like a future vacation or future special birthday plan as you would like it, to have something to look forward to!!
#6. Practice Daily Breathing exercises deeply and slowly: breathe through your nose to a count of 4 and breathe slowly through your mouth to count of 8 (do this 8 times) once or twice a day, hands: palms up with thumb and index fingers touching because that calms the frontal cortex of the brain; use with peace and harmony as your mantra and repeat what you are grateful/thankful for that day. The deep breathing, studies show, lowers stress hormones and enhances mood and focus.
#7. Reach out if you can’t function or can’t stop negative or suicidal thoughts or feeling hopeless. Help is only a phone call away.

Dr Bonnie is teaching skills (she herself and her husband use) to people regarding how to feel safe and grounded with teletherapy during this challenging and uncertain time to help ease the burden of the pandemic in this uncertain and challenging time and to help ground you and your loved ones. Call 212-606-3787 for more details and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bonnie.

Covid 19 pandemic has caused a surge in BROKEN HEART SYNDROME

Dr Bonnie warns from recent research:  the increased Socioeconomic and psychological stress from the Covid 19 pandemic has caused a surge in BROKEN HEART SYNDROME (also known as Takotsubo). This new health hazard is occurring not from the virus itself but the stressors associated with the pandemic! Dr. Bonnie has worked with patients having this syndrome pre-pandemic from a broken heart due to  a heart-breaking or surprise  break-up. In a sense, this pandemic is a form of a breakup, from our  “normal” life as we know it, and can be heart stopping! Many hearts are broken from financial and psychological and social distancing stress, including long distance separations from a loved one due to mandatory quarantine. There is a magic in connection as a species and separations (similar to a breakup) puts increase strain on the heart. In broken heart syndrome a part of the heart enlarges and is unable to pump blood effectively. It is prudent to be vigilant as some of the symptoms can be the same as a heart attack or panic disorder or covid 19.

If you have had a recent loss, are experiencing PTSD or have broken up or feel cut off or alone from separation from family or friends or partner (your loved ones) from the fallout of the pandemic, you could be vulnerable to Takotsubo! Take heed of the symptoms: chest pains, shortness of breath, and the good news is it is very treatable medically and psychologically, especially with the magic of connecting!  

Tips to possibly minimize or prevent broken heart syndrome:
#1. Pay attention to these above symptoms especially if you just broke up, experience PTSD, are lonely, cry frequently, not eating or sleeping, not functioning, avoiding connection, feel hopeless.
#2. If approved medically exercise to reverse negative emotions, for feel good endorphins
#3. Connect to nature daily for an “endorphin rush” for a more positive outlook
#4. Do a written grateful exercise daily AM and PM to stress the good in your life
#5. take 20 minutes twice a day for “mope time” to cry or feel sad, in order to compartmentalize these feelings for better control over your feelings.
#6. reach out daily to friend or family
#7. Practice deep breathing 10 minutes a day to calm the frontal cortex, which sends  a calming  signal to reduce the stress on your heart .

Dr Bonnie’s heart goes out to you, and is available to hopefully prevent or ease the burden of a broken heart during the pandemic through teletherapy. Call 212-606-3787 for more details and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bonnie.

Dr. Bonnie on iPhones and Relationships

Quote from Toronto Sun – According to Eaker Weil, a New York based adultery-busting therapist, “iPhones create and perpetuate detective peeping and peeking towards your significant other – a paranoia frenzy! It’s just so easy and tempting to peek and sneak a look – it gives us a drug-induced rush, an endorphin, thrill-seeking high.” READ MORE

Listen to Dr. Bonnie on Divorce Dialogues with Katherine Miller

Dr. Bonnie was interviewed about relationships on Divorce Dialogues with Katherine Miller on WVOX  1460 AM. Listen to Dr. Bonnie’s interview here.

Dr. Bonnie is offering a special: The First 10 to sign up for Dr. Bonnie’s Stepfamily Program  will get a free Make Up, Don’t Break Up book by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil.

Also you can review a free chapter about Restoring the Magic from Make Up Don’t Break Up by Dr. Bonnie Eaker-Weil here.

Dr. Bonnie in documentary about “Truth of Marriage”.

Dr. Bonnie Eaker-Weil has a 98 percent success rate of couples staying together even with adultery. These skills, tips, secrets are featured and demonstrated with Dr. Bonnie in the Hollywood award winning documentary “Truth of Marriage” screened in Los Angeles, CA as well as London, UK.

Adultery The Forgivable Sin – Second Edition

by Dr. Bonnie Eaker-Weil
“This is a humane, compassionate, and very practical book. Insightful and useful to all—couples and singles—recovering from the ravages of infidelity.”
Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. Best selling author of “Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples

In this ground breaking new edition Dr. Weil reveals how to overcome the pain of betrayal and learn to heal the rift that adultery causes in a relationship. Statistically, only 35% of unions survive an affair. By teaching you and your partner the gift of forgiveness, Dr. Weil’s proven methods will increase the odds to a happy 98%, with a healthier, more intimate relationship. This book provides practical exercises to cushion the pain and her innovative therapy for children you can do at home.

Dr. Weil teaches you how balancing brain chemicals can help to finally cure the epidemic of adultery and get you to “feel” so you can fall back in love with your partner! Learn how to create the same chemicals we make when we are truly happy or in love. Find out how to have an affair with your own partner!

from Amazon.com.

Who is Doctor Bonnie and why she can help you!

Dr. Bonnie Eaker-Weil (Dr. Bonnie) is a relationship expert known as one of America’s best therapists, and by New York Magazine as one of New York City’s best therapists.  US Commerce Association voted Dr. Bonnie Best Therapist 2011-2017.

Known as “The Adultery Buster” and the “No. 1 Love Expert,” she is the best-selling author of Adultery: The Forgivable Sin (adapted into a Lifetime movie starring actress Kate Jackson), Make Up, Don’t Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples, Can We Cure and Forgive Adultery?, Staying Not Straying, How Not to (S)mother Your Man and Keep a Woman Happy, and Financial Infidelity; The #1 Relationship Wrecker.

Dr. Bonnie has appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, a three-day series on NBC’s The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show five times (and was chosen as one of Oprah’s 10 favorite shows in 25 years), a four day series on Fox TV regarding dating. She appears frequently on ABC, Fox, CBS and NBC News, The View, 20/20, and CNN.

Her cutting edge skills have been featured in The New York Times, New York Magazine, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, People and Ladies’ Home Journal.

In her book, Make Up, Don’t Break Up, Dr. Weil takes you step-by- step through a new understanding of relationships – the mysterious process of connecting, why men disconnect and how to educate them to reconnect/connect. Her phone based integrative system will help you find and keep the lasting love you want.

Dr. Bonnie’s approach turns the conventional wisdom of finding and sustaining love- upside down:

  • Men and women are more alike than different in their needs for love and intimacy.
  • Why women should make the first move.
  • Understanding your relationship with your parents is an essential step in finding and keeping love.
  • Communication isn’t everything – you can talk a relationship to death!
  • Adultery is a disease and needs to be treated on all levels. Dr. Bonnie’s Ground breaking system  can prevent and treat adultery and help heal the relationship, and it can be cured.
  • You can turn your relationship around if you both are willing to learn and apply simple communication skills that will help you in any relationship you have at home or at work!

To get tips, strategies and ground breaking information to have the relationship of your dreams

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Learn about the Bio Chemical Craving for Connection and Adultery Tips here

 Dr. Bonnie’s book Make Up, Don’t Break Up is voted “Best Dating Book of 2010” by NY Times Company

Dr. Bonnie’s book, “Make Up, Don’t Break Up”, a dating book for singles, married and unmarried couples, was voted as the Best Dating Book in 2010 by About.com a part of the New York Times Company. Thank you all for all your votes which helped us win this coveted title.

Order a copy here.

For PR or Immediate Attention, call Dr. Bonnie at 917-538-5842

For appointments or a consultation, contact Dr. Bonnie at 212-606-3787



Hi, I’m Dr Bonnie and I want you to know I’m here for you to help ease your transition with this uncertainty to your “new normal” routine and shelter in place (your new office) from the coronavirus pandemic.

Here are some tips to practice daily.                     
1. Hug and cuddle frequently, it raises “feel good “endorphins, increases the immune system ,and reduces PTSD with the “cuddle“ hormone oxytocin
2. Get into a routine for you and your family and set clear limits and boundaries.
3. Watch the news sporadically and NOT before bedtime and NOT first thing in the morning which can cause “contagion” panic like catching a cold!
4. Avoid panic or denial. For grounding close your eyes, take some deep breaths, visualize wearing GROUNDED red boots anchoring you in the moment, especially when fearful of the uncertainty.
5. Take it ONE Day at a time in the here and now; do not think too far ahead or try to predict the future. Do not think “WHAT IF”.
6. Instead of worrying practice prayer and meditation and gratefulness. Be kind instead, not just to others but practice self-compassion also. Stay connected to loved ones, hold them dear, appreciate them and show it, by saying I love you, miss you even if from afar!
7. See this as a pause for self-reflection and feel the love rather than feeling out of control

Contact me on info@ doctorbonnie.com or 212-606-3787 if you or your child or family are exhibiting stress and anxiety or panic. I am here to ease your burden.