Football Playoffs are a Great Time To Score!

This Sunday is one of the best sports days of the year! But, how do you participate in football playoffs when it’s just not your thing? If you can’t beat em join them! A savvy woman knows how much football means to her guy whether married or single. I encourage partners to touchdown during the football playoffs. A nice pillow fight and some tackling after the second quarter is high energy play and will bring endorphins to a full-time high. Adding in a 30 second kiss will also bring on a different rush from oxytocin, the cuddle hormone.

Being intimate during football halftime is a healthy way to connect with your sports lover. The Cleveland Clinic believes a healthy sexual relationship can positively affect all aspects of life. Many women and even men feel neglected when their partner is glued to the television and shows more devotion for Tom Brady than they do to them. However, do not get mad when your partner is engrossed with the game. They will love and appreciate you more by supporting their passion. Here are some of my smart heart tips that will help you get the pom-poms out for the first time in years this playoff season.

Be supportive and stay on the sidelines when the game is in motion. As my husband Jeff says, “A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and football.” Partners should try out some new recipes that will leave their lover’s mouth watering for more than just the seven-layer dip. Coming home with some hot chocolate, which contains PEA–an upper, and some fluffy marshmallows are great aphrodisiacs for touching down.

To really impress your partner, husband or boyfriend, do a little research. Start reading newspapers, Sports Illustrated, playoff feed on Twitter or even download the NFL app to learn more about stats, players and predictions for the next Vince Lombardi Trophy winner. Learning about the game will make him adore you more than enough to remember this year’s Valentine’s day. Sharing football without complaining, that’s a lifetime achievement award.

Remember, football time is no time for talking, especially about serious subjects. Don’t discuss any heavy topics that might instigate an argument that would ruin any chance of a halftime show. Also, competing with the announcer is another football faux pas. Besides all the chanting and swearing, notice that men are usually pretty quiet when a big play is under review. Let there only be one announcer.

For more Smart Heart Tips and Tricks, read “Make Up, Don’t Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples.”

United We Stand

Wishing President Donald Trump luck! Yesterday’s inauguration marked a new beginning–a changing of the guards. Some were excited for the inauguration and others were, and are, nervous. Change is hard for people and the same is true in marriage. Some are better at risk taking than others so this change can cause anxiety and people may be on edge or moody with partners. Use the three P’s: prepare, predict, and prevent.

We need to unite through kindness and empathy to make America great. We need to come together not only as a country, but in our relationships as well. Now is the time to connect and communicate with your partner. Now more than ever, let’s Make Up, Don’t Break Up.

For more on connecting with your partner, join my online course: Marriage and Relationships: The Keys to Success

When the Chill Sets In, Turn Up the Heat

As another cold front passes through the Northeast, couples should use it as an excuse to make some long-lasting winter memories. Not being able to get to scheduled appointments – like work, school, meetings, etc – can be stressful. Instead of getting stressed, use the mandatory down-time to rekindle a spark with their significant other. It can be important to refocus this downtime and feel like it’s being put to good use. Here are a few of the things I recommend to have a winter affair with your own partner:

Mix up a hot drink and then cozy up with each other. Whether it’s hot chocolate or hot toddy, getting warm together doesn’t HAVE to involve sex! Start out with something simple like a drink to warm up and snuggle up together by reading a book, playing a game, or beginning a project.

Let it lead to sex. Studies show that during big storms people usually make love, make babies or fight. Starting by reconnecting with something simple (a book, a game, etc.), can lead to a more intimate conclusion. Make the most of your time indoors, since there’s nowhere else to go, even if you wanted to. Instead of letting obligations cause stress, let go of responsibilities by having an affair with your own partner. I mention this technique in my book, Make up Don’t Break up, where I give couples tools for rekindling romance.

Get outside. That’s right ~ it may be cold but when people don’t have anywhere to be, why not relive the excitement that snow days brought as a kid? These types of opportunities often bring out our inner child, so go with it, get playful and see where it leads. Couples may learn something new about each other, discover something new they can do together (who doesn’t love making snowmen?), and if nothing else, have a good time goofing around together. Recreate the chemicals you experienced when you first fell in love. Take this opportunity to give a 30 second kiss and/or 20 second hug to reconnect and fall back in love.