You are more compatible than you think! Opposites Do Attract

Most relationships can be saved as people fall in love and usually pick well-opposite and since opposites attract it causes trouble but leads to real life love if you do the work. Recognizing why you picked opposite to complete you, the traits you suppressed or repressed in childhood to be socialized or to seek approval or to people, please.

You seek this out in your partner, loving it in the beginning and hating it in the power struggle stage.  You will need tools, ground rules, and dialogue which I call Smart Heart Skills and Dialogue to keep your relationship full of passion and sizzle!  Then you can both do it on your own after learning this in a few short sessions. These skills are the glue whether a relationship is new or old. Instead of getting rid of your partner (same will happen with a new one ) change the dialogue and behavior with each other.

Here are some simple steps:

  1. Think of your partner with admiration every day
  2. Write what you love about him or her
  3. Tell her or him every morning how handsome or beautiful your partner is
  4. Cuddle for 30 sec before he or she wakes up.

These mini connections are what makes a relationship. Remember when you attack your partner you attack yourself, you picked that person for a reason; andthat reason is to get their traits somehow!

Read more about opposites and sizzle in my Readers Choice New York Times best-seller Make Up, Don’t Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples, forward by Dr. Harville Hendrix ,Ph.D., “This is the best manual for saving a relationship I have ever seen.”

Want to learn more about how and why opposites attract?  Scheule a a complimentary Make Up, Don’t Break Up phone session with me.  This is a no-obligation offer – Go here to apply for your FREE session today!

You can also reach me directly at  212-606-3787 with your relationship questions.

Here is to finding and keeping real love!

Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D. – Love and Relationship Therapist, Mentor & Coach

The best-selling author of:

Can We Cure and Forgive Adultery

Make Up, Don’t Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples

Adultery: The Forgivable Sin

Financial Infidelity; The #1 Relationship Wrecker