Lack of empathy in our society among singles and married couples are at an all time high.  It’s even being attributed to divorces.

Some say the popularity of social media and the use of tech gadgets has contributed to the lack of empathy, caring, respect and the ability to know how to communicate directly with others.

How should we address this issue?

Alan Alda has written a  book If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face?: My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating and Communicating,  he describes empathy as CRITICAL to our society.  He also talks about how people do not know how to communicate properly and do not take the time to do so which can cause all kinds of misunderstandings as well.

I can attest to all the couples who seek out my services who are breaking up; they do not have empathy and good communication skills. These are easy to learn.  I introduce them to Smartheart skills and dialogue that can provide clarity, mutuality, and safety with their partner, learning empathy and walking in the other person’s shoes, which prevents breakups.  The core of  Smartheart skills and dialogue are empathy and validation.

In my free video and my Reader’s Choice New York Times book Make Up, Don’t Break Up you can find out more.

Let’s take one loving step for mankind by practicing empathy towards our loved ones, including children and also at work with our colleagues.

Here is to finding and keeping real love!

Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil Ph.D.

P.S.: I have a 98% success rate helping singles, and couples attract and keep loving relationships.  I offer a limited number of “Breakthrough To Your Ideal Relationship” phone sessions each month that you can apply for HERE.



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