Dr. Bonnie, therapist and author of Make Up Don’t Break Up encourages us to be in the moment!

And focus on learning how to be joyful again after the unknown, endured in the pandemic.

1. Expect less from yourself and others as you make the bridge to some sense of normalcy.

2. Focus on having “safe”, PLANNED fun ( or it will not happen) and self-care and self-compassion rather then pushing yourself or doing too many “should’s” like chores, as you ease into life again! R and R (rest and relaxation) will help make the transition to recharging, feeling good, and hopeful again!

3. It’s perfectly fine to EASE into being with people, a certain amount of anxiety is normal re: feeling “safe” due to the change in masks, interactions with others.

4. Take a few moments DAILY to take  inventory in the morning and before bed of what you are THANKFUL for.

This will give you hope, and keep you positive, to put one foot in front of the other as you transition from the pandemic to “living again”. Remember “act as if” until you get there!

Dr. Bonnie Eaker-Weil, known as one of America’s best therapists, with more than 35 years’ experience, a global phone-based practice, and a private practice in New York City with a 98% success rate! New York Magazine listed her as one of New York City’s best therapists and the U.S. Commerce Association voted Dr. Bonnie Best Therapist 2011-2018. Dr. Weil’s accolades include recognition from being on The Oprah Winfrey Show five times chosen by Oprah as one of her top 10 shows in 25 years. Dr. Bonnie has also appeared on NBC’s The Today Show that featured her “live” couples who practiced her innovative communication skills from her featured best seller Make Up Don’t Break Up. Dr. Bonnie is frequently featured and gives expert relationship advice on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News.

The best-selling author of:
Adultery: The Forgivable Sin
Make Up, Don’t Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples
Financial Infidelity; The #1 Relationship Wrecker
Can We Cure and Forgive Adultery?

Visit Dr. Bonnie at https://www.DoctorBonnie.com.

Dr. Bonnie is available for phone therapy. Call 212-606-3787 for more details and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bonnie.


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